

We are frequently involved in the design of machinery, workshop equipment, lifting, handling and transport equipment, pressure vessels, components and mechanisms, small scale structures (platforms, shelters, support stands etc.) and access systems.


Reverse engineering & drafting


With a comprehensive set of measurement tools, we are able to measure existing equipment to produce drawings suitable for manufacture. We are also able to verify existing equipment under applied loads.


RPEQ certification


Queensland’s Professional Engineers Act requires that all engineering services must be carried out, or directly supervised a professional engineer. At Point Engineering, this service goes beyond providing peace-of-mind; we always aim to add value where we can, whether it be efficient use of materials, increased performance, or specific requirements your project may have.


Finite element analysis (FEA)


Modern engineering often calls for complex geometry as a means to enhance performance. As such, traditional calculations can become increasingly difficult, requiring conservative assumptions which ultimately lead to added mass and cost. Finite element analysis (FEA) allows for further optimisation of the design, usually with the goal of reducing material.


Site-based inspections


While many engineers prefer the comfort of the office, we believe that attending site adds significant understanding of your project, allowing us to do our job better.


Failure analysis & repair procedures


Things fail for many reasons, whether it be inadequate design, old age, use beyond which the item was intended for, or a combination of these. It is important to understand why things fail in order to prevent future failures. Point Engineering has the technical expertise to assist in this area.